This story originally appeared in the Fall/Winter 2020 issue of The Growler, out now! You can find B.C.’s favourite craft beer and cider guide at your local brewery, cidery, select private liquor stores, and by subscription here.
The Growler has collected info on all the new breweries and cideries expected to open across B.C. in the coming months. Surprisingly, COVID-19 hasn’t delayed the progress of that many. I guess that proves that booze is indeed pandemic-proof!
Alberni Brewing
Port Alberni (early 2021) This will make three breweries in this small city at the heart of Vancouver Island. Facebook.com/AlberniBrewingCompany
Devil’s Bath Brewing
Port McNeill (early 2021) This brewery is named for one of Canada’s largest cenotes (359 metres in diameter and 44 metres deep), which is located about 50km from Port McNeill. DevilsBathBrewing.ca
Fern + Cedar Brewing
Qualicum Beach (summer 2021) The folks behind Mount Arrowsmith Brewing in neighbouring Parksville are building this new brewery, so it’s bound to be good. FernAndCedar.ca
Galaxie Craft Brewhouse
White Rock (spring 2021) This sci-fi themed spot has a location right near the beach behind the Boathouse restaurant. GalaxieCraftBeer.com
Herald Street Brew Works
Victoria (2021) All sorts of delays have slowed down this brewery’s development. Word is it’s close to opening, but no firm date could be pinned down at press time. HeraldStreet.com
Hornby Island Brewing Co.
Hornby Island (spring 2021) While COVID-19 slowed down this nanobrewery’s plans to open in 2020, the founders have launched a mobile canning service for mid- and north Vancouver Island breweries while they develop their brewery. HornbyIslandBrewing.ca
Junction Orchard & Cidery
Victoria (2021) Previously Tod Creek Cider, the new owners plan to turn this into a destination cidery. JunctionVictoria.com
Locality Brewing
Langley (mid-2021) This farm-based brewery has been growing hops and malting its own barley for a few years already. LocalityBrewing.ca
Merridale Brewery and Distillery
Victoria (2021) Merridale had just started the dig on this new building when COVID-19 hit, so they put construction plans on hold. Merridale.ca
North Basin Brewing
Osoyoos (2021) It’ll be great to see craft beer return to this beautiful southern Okanagan city. NorthBasinBrewing.com
Radium Brewing
Radium Hot Springs (mid-2021) Construction recently started on this new brewery 15 minutes up the road from Arrowhead Brewing in Invermere. RadiumBrewing.ca
Rusted Rake Brewing
Nanoose Bay (spring 2021) Plans for this farm-based brewery stalled for a while, but now they are back on track. RustedRakeFarm.com
Shaketown Brewing
North Vancouver (spring 2021) Joining the Lower Lonsdale Brewery District next spring, this brewery will be led by Dave Varga, well known from his days at 33 Acres. ShaketownBrewing.com
Tiki Jon’s Tiki Lounge and Brewery
Pitt Meadows (2021) Expect craft beer with a Polynesian twist. TikiJons.ca
Unleashed Brewing Co.
Kelowna (2021) COVID-19 has slowed down this brewery’s progress. Hopefully, we’ll know more by our next issue. UnleashedBrewing.ca
• Got a hot brewery tip? Let us know at editor@thegrowler.ca