The B.C. government announced it has removed restrictions on out-of-province liquor for personal consumption this week, allowing British Columbians visiting other provinces and territories to bring back as much liquor as they like.
Previously, residents were limited to bringing in no more than three litres of spirits, nine litres of wine and 25.6 litres of beer, cider and coolers. There was no limit on wine purchased from a Canadian winery and made from 100 per cent Canadian product.
“For too long, British Columbians faced restrictions when bringing wine, beer and spirits from other provinces back to B.C. Our government has taken action to fix this,” said Bruce Ralston, Minister of Jobs, Trade and Technology in a press release earlier this week. “This policy is consistent with the direction from the Council of Federation meeting in Saskatoon last week, where Canada’s premiers committed to reduce limits on transporting alcohol across our borders.”
This change aligns with similar action being taken in other provinces, which may result in increased sales for local producers to out-of-province visitors, according to the provincial government. Saskatchewan and Nova Scotia recently eliminated personal exemption limits and Prince Edward Island is committed toward implementation.