Organizers of the B.C. Beer Awards and Festival announced this week that they will be cancelling the 2020 event due to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic.
The event is normally held the third weekend in October. However, with the uncertainty presented by the COVID-19 pandemic and social distancing measures likely to impact the event, organizers decided to cancel the 2020 edition.
“We are unsure of the possibility of a second wave [of COVID-19 infections] come the fall, and of the ability to run an event of our size,” Amanda Barry-Butchart, B.C. Beer Awards Director, said in a social media post on Tuesday. “We felt it was best to halt planning now rather than down the road, to avoid upset.”
Last year marked the 10th anniversary of the B.C. Beer Awards and Festival. The one-day event features both the B.C. Beer Awards ceremony and a beer festival showcasing 45 of the province’s best breweries. Awards are presented for 30+ beer categories, as well as op awards including Best in Show, CBC People’s Choice, Rookie of the Year, Brewery of the Year, Innovator of the Year, and Brewer’s Challenge.
“The Premier recently announced B.C.’s Restart Plan. But even with these relaxed physical distancing measures, it remains unlikely the B.C. Beer Awards and Festival will be possible this year,” said Barry-Butchart. “Both events depend on large groups of people and have many points of potential risk. The BC Beer Awards is a major event for many BC breweries. We recognize that this news may disappoint the beer community. Given the ongoing uncertainty, we believe cancelling is best for our breweries and sponsors.”
“We look forward to 2021. And in the meantime, support your local brewery!”