Saanich Keywords: Advanced Search View All Listings Displaying listings from Canada → British Columbia → Victoria & Gulf Islands Breweries → Saanich. Use the fields below to filter listings for a particular country, city, or state. Start by selecting the top most region, the other fields will be automatically updated to show available locations. Use the Clear Filter button if you want to start over. CountrySelect a RegionCanada ProvinceSelect a RegionBritish Columbia RegionSelect a RegionFraser Valley BreweriesKootenay BreweriesLower Mainland BreweriesNorth ShoreNorthern B.C. BreweriesSea To Sky & Sunshine Coast BreweriesThompson-Okanagan BreweriesVancouver BreweriesVancouver Island BreweriesVictoria & Gulf Islands Breweries CitySelect a RegionCentral SaanichEsquimaltLangfordMayne IslandNorth SaanichSaanichSalt Spring IslandSookeVictoriaView Royal Saanich Twa Dogs Brewery & Victoria Caledonian Distillery Brewery Name Twa Dogs Brewery & Victoria Caledonian Distillery Description Victoria Caledonian has a licenced area inside the brewery where you can enjoy a pint or a dram of whisky and watch the brewers at work. Website Address 761 Enterprise Cres., Saanich Instagram Growler fills? Yes Bottles/cans for sale? Yes Kegs available? Yes Tasting flights/beer samples available in house? Yes Kitchen / fresh food / food truck always onsite? No Brewery tours available? Yes Kids allowed in taproom? Yes Gluten-free booze available on-site (including wine / cider / spirits)? Yes Region Victoria & Gulf Islands Breweries City Saanich Follow @twadogsbeer