Here’s what we’re sucking back with reckless abandon this week…

Candyland by Superflux Beer Co.
Raspberry Vanilla Cream Ale (?) • 6.0% ABV • 473 mL tall cans
Hell must have frozen over, because Superflux just put out a beer and it’s NOT an IPA. In fact, were not really sure what it is. We’ll let them explain: “Remember Pink Cream Soda? Well, we set out to make it in beer-form. The trick in doing so is to use an obscene amount of vanilla. Seriously. This thing has more vanilla inside of it than the Trump White House. And then, the raspberries show up and BOOM! It’s Cream Soda Time.” Candyland is available now at Strathcona Beer Co. in cans and will be available in retail locations as of Halloween.

Axiom Plum Cherry Sour by Category 12 Brewing
Sour ale • 6.1% ABV • 750 mL bottles
The latest in Category 12’s Elemental Series, this well-balanced fruited sour promises to be tart, juicy and approachable. According to the brewery: “The warmth of plum and delicate notes of cherry are enhanced by our use of a yeast strain that imparts wonderful pear aromas. Balanced by a slightly darker malt, this fruit-infused sour achieves a harmony of tartness and flavour while exhibiting an incredible colour.”

Nocturnum by Strange Fellows Brewing
Dark IPA • 6.5% ABV • 65 IBU • 473 mL tall cans
This hoppy and malty robust dark IPA from Strange Fellows is making its 2019 return, but it won’t last long. Biscuit and roast malt notes combine with a citrusy hop character for a flavourful, well-balanced beer. Available Nov. 1 at the brewery tasting room and Nov. 4 at select private liquor stores.