You Should Go To Victoria Beer Week, OK?

There’s no question BC is overloaded with beer festivals. There are just too many choices for what amount essentially to the same concept: sip beer out of four-ounce tasting glasses amongst a bunch of strangers, then get drunk. They’re the […]

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The Growler Volume 2 is here!

First, some good news: The Growler Vol. 2 Issue 1 is out March 1. Go grab yourself a copy! But not before reading “the bad news.” Yes, the day has come that some of you have been expecting, and that […]

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The Growler Guide to B.C.'s Ale Trail

Contrary to popular belief, B.C. beer industry’s greatest asset is not the beer itself. No, it’s the actual space between the breweries, which make for some excellent road tripping if you’re so inclined. We’re talking some staggering beauty here, folks: […]

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B.C. breweries battle it out in court

Oh sure, BC’s craft beer community is swimming in glad tidings and brotherly love – but it’s not all hugs and kisses! No, this is still an industry, which means business. And with business comes legal squabbles and disputes. Cease […]

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Brewer vs Brewer: The new brewery edition

The Growler’s fifth issue is out March 1. For this one, we spoke to Ryan Parfitt of Luppolo Brewing andNicolás Amaya of Andina Brewing. Because these men were complete strangers prior to this conversation, and because both breweries will be […]

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