The latest casualty in the COVID-19 (coronavirus) outbreak appears to be B.C.’s craft brewery tasting rooms. A number of breweries around the province have opted to reduce capacity and in some cases shut down completely in order to stop the transmission of the virus.
So far, 103 cases of COVID-19 have been confirmed in B.C., with four deaths. More than 6,300 individuals have been tested as of March 13, 2020.
B.C. Health Minister Adrian Dix announced new measures to help curb the spread of the disease on Monday, including closing casinos and banning gatherings of more than 50 people.
“We have also taken additional action to enhance social distancing and limit transmission. These efforts are not forever, but they are important for now,” said Dix. “We are issuing a new order prohibiting all public gatherings of more than 50 people. This includes indoor and outdoor sporting events, conferences, meetings, religious gatherings and other similar events.”
In response, a number of B.C. craft brewery tasting rooms have curtailed their operations and cancelled events as a result. Others have stopped filling growlers or have put new sanitization procedures in place.
In Victoria, Vancouver Island Brewing has shut its tasting room this week and will be re-evaluating next week.
“In light of COVID-19, we are taking social distancing seriously to protect our staff and customers,” the brewery stated on social media Monday morning.
Hoyne Brewing has stopped serving flights and growler refills at its growler bar. Retail sales and new growler fills remain open, however.
In Vancouver, Container Brewing is one of many that have suspended cash sales and has also reduced its capacity to 34 seats to bring it under the 50-person limit for gatherings.
“These are difficult and unusual times right now and we are all faced with tough decisions,” the brewery stated on social media Monday afternoon. “We at Container Brewing are having to make new choices everyday as our environment changes around us.”
Langley’s Dead Frog Brewing has cancelled all upcoming tasting room events, including Tuesday’s St. Patrick’s Day Party. Like many breweries, it’s stepping up cleaning frequency and will be reducing capacity in the tasting room.
For more information and updates on COVID-19, visit the federal government’s webpage here