Sometimes a beer will appear at exactly the right time. It is a fascinating thing when a great idea, through unforeseen circumstances, quite quickly gathers the compulsive momentum of a historical necessity. In this case, the unforeseen circumstances are the […]
Have you seen the smoke?
Smoked beer might be an acquired taste, but it’s one that’s growing in popularity Have you ever had something grow on you? For example, maybe cilantro? How about the first time you tried an IPA or a sour? Did you […]
All of the flavour, but none of the gluten
All across the province, craft brewers are using new and creative techniques to offer gluten-free and gluten-reduced offerings. Gluten-free and gluten-reduced beers have now arrived in B.C. in a substantial way. Previously the options for the gluten adverse were limited, […]
What came first: The beer or the bread?
In anthropological circles, debate rages over whether beer was responsible for the birth of civilization One of the big questions of human history is what was the catalyst that prompted humankind to largely give up their hunter/gatherer ways and settle […]
Safer nights out for everyone with Good Night Out
Expectations for staff and customer safety have never been higher in the BC beer industry. While proper hand washing and ergonomics might be fairly straightforward issues to tackle, other kinds of safety might seem less so. Thankfully there is an […]
Searching for spruce
Using spruce shoots in beer dates back as far as the Vikings In the long history of brewing, basically every conceivable ingredient imaginable has been tried. While beer brewed with wormwood, mugwort or chicken (also known as “cock ale”) might […]
Beer hunting in the Comox Valley
Comox Valley’s brewery scene is drawing comparisons to those of Port Moody and Victoria The Comox Valley, encompassing Courtney, Comox and Cumberland, as well as several smaller communities, is one of the most visited places on Vancouver Island. Looming large […]
For the love of beer, please use a glass!
This story originally appeared in the Spring 2020 issue of The Growler, out now! You can find B.C.’s favourite craft beer and cider guide at your local brewery, cidery, select private liquor stores, and on newsstands across the province. […]
Fall down the craft beer glassware rabbit hole
So you have tracked down that hard-to-find beer that everyone is talking about. Or maybe you have a friend who has decided to share some of their cellar full of world-class aged beer. Are you planning to drink that special […]
Michael Jackson: The Beer Writer Who Changed the World
If you were given the unenviable task of picking the single most important person to modern beer, it might seem odd that it is a writer’s name rather than a brewer or brewery founder’s that you keep coming back to. […]