Sandor Gyarmati / Delta Optimist
Ben Coli
Ben Coli is the owner and head brewer of Burnaby’s Dageraad Brewing, the Canadian Brewing Awards’ 2018 Brewery of the Year.
Lundy Dale
Pink Boots Society Vancouver chapter leader
Janis Cleugh/Tri-City News
Janis Cleugh reports on Coquitlam and Port Coquitlam civic politics for the Tri-City News, as well as police, fire and courts. She also writes the Tri-Cities Today daily events guide and My Tri-Cities monthly listings.
Kristina Mameli
Kristina is a former music journalist, radio host, news editor, municipal coordinator, and beerista. She is at the helm of our social media channels and behind the keys of the occasional article.
Ted Child
Ted is a Recognized BJCP judge and an award winning homebrewer, cider and mead maker. Find his beer reviews at Beer Me BC.