One of the great things about the recent craft beer revolution is all the obscure beer styles that are being resurrected. Take the gose, for instance (pronounced goes-uh). This traditional salted sour wheat ale dates back to the 1500s and all but died out in the late 20th century. Thankfully, the style was saved from the brink of extinction in the ‘90s in its native Germany and has made its way to North America in recent years.
It’s a unique style, and one that has captured many a craft brewers’ imagination. The modest salt content in these beers helps bring the sweetness and bitterness into balance while also enhancing the flavour and adding a slight briny character.
The end result is a beer that’s light, refreshing and remarkably well balanced. Goses also provide a wonderful palette for fruit flavours thanks to their tartness.
Which brings us to the Corvus Lingonberry Lime Gose by Abbotsford’s Ravens Brewing. This beer won a gold medal at the 2018 World Beer Cup, which is a pretty big deal, and it’s easy to see why: it’s tart, flavourful and endlessly refreshing.
Truth be told, I’m not very familiar with lingonberry. I think I had some lingonberry jam at Ikea once, but I couldn’t tell you what it tasted like. To my palate, Corvus tastes like cranberry and rhubarb with a bright citrus kick. The tartness of the lingonberry is accented by the beer’s acidity, and that briney note—courtesy of pink Himalayan salt—takes the edge off, bringing everything into balance.
Corvus Lingonberry Lime Gose by Ravens Brewing (4.5% ABV)
Appearance: Hazy ruby grapefruit colour with a fine white head.
Aroma: Citrus, rhubarb, brine, cranberry.
Flavour: Tart acidity, bright citrus flavour, cranberry, rhubarb, briny notes with a hint of wheat character.
Body: Light bodied with a refreshingly dry, tart finish.
Pairs with: Pretty much anything, but how about roasted reindeer, ceviche and tiny Allen wrenches.