BC Beer Wars returns
The craft brewing industry’s best and brightest will be pounding the crap out of each other this weekend, but not to worry, it’s all for a good cause.
The second annual BC Beer Wars charity boxing event takes place this Saturday at the Croatian Cultural Centre in Vancouver to help raise money for the Eastside Boxing Club’s free afterschool and youth programs.
Staff from craft breweries all over the province have been training since January for the main event, and will be squaring off in three-round bouts. I would have been one of the sacrificial lambs, myself, had a rather annoying neurological condition not knocked me out of the training program (I swear!).
In addition to the 20 or so fights slated for the night, 20-plus breweries will be on hand pouring pints (naturally).
If you think Beer Wars is going to be awesome (it is) and you’re thinking you want to check it out (you should), well, you’re too late, because it’s all sold out. You might be lucky enough to find a scalper out front, but you’re probably going to have to wait until next year.

New look for Bowen Island
Bowen Island Brewing has received a sexy new makeover thanks to the talented folks at Hired Guns Creative. Hired Guns – who were the people behind the Driftwood Brewing rebrand, as well as Coast Mountain Brewing’s branding – have reworked the logo and labeling with an illustrated design that show’s off Bowen Island’s leisurely lifestyle, ensuring college kids will look that much classier when pounding the highly affordable six-packs.
In addition to the new look, Bowen Island, which is owned by NorthAm Beverages and brewed in Kamloops, also worked with brewmaster Joe Goetz to tweak their current lineup of beers, adding the all-new Main Sail ISA. Clocking in at 4.3% ABV, the beer is a pretty legit West Coast session ale with a refreshing hop profile consisting of Cascade, Centennial, Chinook and Nugget.
Sticking around will be Reef Break Hemp Blonde Ale, Coastline Pale Ale and Artisan IPA, while the Westcoast Lager replaces the Deep 6 Lager.
All five beers will be available in their respective six-packs along with the 12-pack mixer, which includes the IPA, ISA, Blonde and Pale Ale.

VCBW looking for volunteers
Vancouver Craft Beer Week is fast approaching and event organizers are looking for a few good beer-loving volunteers to help them pull off the festivities.
VCBW is looking for brewery assistants, check-in workers, front gate personnel and floaters for the opening event at the Roundhouse Community Centre on May 26, as well as the main event at the PNE Fairgrounds, June 3 and 4.
Check out their volunteer page here to lend a hand.