Just in time for Christmas/Hanukkah/Kwanza/Festivus/Saturnalia, the Winter 2016 edition of The Growler is out now and available at newsstands, craft breweries, liquor stores and pretty much anywhere awesome people who like awesome beer congregate.
If you are reading this, chances are you’re a craft beer fan and you already know why The Growler is most fantastical craft beer zine on Planet Earth. But the person who’s shopping for your non-denominational winter holiday gift might not, so you need to tell them to get you a full year’s subscription to The Growler. For just $18.99, you get four issues mailed directly to your door. That’s cheaper than newsstand prices, plus it’s delivered right to your door. Did we mention it’s delivered right to your door? Because it’s totally delivered right to your door.
So check out the latest issue of The Growler, and don’t forget to include us on your wish list.